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Mylistix - Deine Einkaufsliste immer dabei. Kostenlos. Synchronisiert mit allen Geräten deiner Familie. Mache Bilder zu den Einträgen. Viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Verfügbar auf fast allen Endgeräten.

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Teile deine Liste

Bei uns kannst du deine Listen auf verschiedene Geräte synchronisieren lassen. Egal wie viele oder welche Geräte du hast.

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Überall benutzbar

Mylistix läuft auf fast jedem Browser, auf fast jedem Betriebssystem. Wir haben die App auch im Google Play Store. Listen teilen funktioniert Geräteübergreifend. Bearbeite deine Liste am PC, habe sie dann unterwegs auf jedem Gerät deiner Familie dabei, während die Kinder vielleicht noch etwas auf ihrem Tablet in die Liste einfügen.

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Mit Mylistix kannst du Bilder zu den Einträgen hinzufügen, beliebig viele Listen erstellen, Einträge kategorisieren, Listen teilen, und mehr...


Kostenlos (Mit ein bissl Werbung)

Mylistix ist kostenlos, inklusive Online Sharing. Trotzdem müssen wir die App monetarisieren. Dafür nutzen wir Werbung.


Hier ist die Liste aller Änderungen die wir so im Laufe der Zeit gemacht haben. Nur in Englisch verfügbar.

### [1.7.5 - 2024-09-29]

Huhu. Todays we just removed ads completely for now. You're welcome.

### [1.7.4 - 2024-07-23]

Aloha. Todays update bring a new behaviour. List quick insert now goes at the bottom of the list without a separate "add" button. This somewhat revert to an older state, as the "add" button was somehow different to use, especially on IOS.

### [1.7.3 - 2024-06-01]

Ahoi. A minor layout change applied to your list. Now you have the input on the top always visible. The previous always bottom was inconvient on some devies.

### [1.7.2 - 2024-05-28]

Ahoi. A minor layout change applied to your list. Now you have the input on the bottom always visible and it's less confusing to use with 2 separate add buttons. One for advanced add, one for quick add.

### [1.7.1 - 2024-04-15]

Welcome. We've updated the styling a little bit, to a more glassy finish. Also we have updated integrated libraries to current versions.

### [1.7.0 - 2024-02-25]

Hello. In todays update we have a few fixes and improvements regarding to sorting your entries. Sorting should now work properly for your language. Also you can temporarily sort the list of your already checked entries alphabetically.

### [1.6.0 - 2024-01-22]

Hey there. We've added a quicker way to add entries to the list. The 'Add' button now opens a one-line input field to quickly add a new entry to the list. If you need details, click on the 'Add' button a second time. This will lead you to the details page as usual.

### [1.5.3 - 2024-01-21]

Greetz. This is a bugfix update that fixes an issue with quick change entry amount in the list back to none does not work. 
Also changed layout for edit entry to fit more fields into a tighter space.

### [1.5.2 - 2023-05-12]

Greetz. This is a minor stability update with some improvements in the background syncing.

- ### [1.5.1 - 2023-02-21]

Greetz. This update bring you recipe publishing. We have released our first iteration of recipe upload directly from the app. You can publish your recipe on our homepage, which includes a handy import into app function.

- added recipe upload
- fixed several bugs in various app features 
- optimized website layout
- optimized app layout

### [1.4.0 - 2023-02-15]
Servus. This update focused on a few usability fixes, like list entry edit form and list overview, as well as reworked the internal offline storage, to reduce the number of transfered source files, resulting in great bandwidth reduction and faster app updates.

- reworked internal offline cache management to save a lot of network request and bandwith on updates
- several minor usability fixes

### [1.3.0 - 2023-02-12]
- added Youtube video possibility to your recipes. Now you can add them as well, if you like.
- several minor bugfixes and improvements for usability.

### [1.2.0 - 2023-02-10]
🎆 First beta released including recipes. There is still many to-do, but the app should now be usable for most of you.